It's been a little while since I posted last. And this time I am sad to report that I don't have any pics to share just yet. But I had to post an update. Its been too long.
So after dying a yarn order for Unwind the past two weeks, and backing up my WD Passport to DVD's before it crashes, I finally feel like I'm getting organized. With the Farmer's Market applications due the first of April, I feel like I have so much to do right now. I have to finish my tomato pincushions, get more photos of my goods for the application, and get more things knitted. Oh but wait, its really important that I have fun with this too. Thought I was going to be able to attend the Annual Sock Knitting Machine Conference in Tacoma Washington this year, but will have to postpone the trip till a little later this summer. Must go though, because I already mentioned it to my daughter and she will "just die" if we can't go. With the Farmer's market fees due in June, I just won't be able to save enough money. So cross your fingers for me because I really need a vacation. Sigh.

I have been focusing some attention this year into my photography. Here is one of two images that I am fairly proud of. Believe it or not there is indeed a pink fire hydrant in Salt Lake City. (There is also a backyard fence made of skis but that is for another time.)

Here is my next image. I have recently discovered a thing called "depth of field" and even though I have taken photography classes in the past, this concept has eluded me until now. So aperature, F-stop, what? That's kind of what I said. Put simply, I can now have the item of focus sharp while everything else is softer and somewhat out of focus. This gives my photography more depth and no more using photoshop to achieve this. Woo Hoo! I feel like I have finally taken some very simple yet interesting shots this year and I think I'm on my way to calendar worthy images. If nothing else I will have some cute postcards this year.
Now that I have rambled on, I feel like I can focus again and I appreciate everyone reading this and tolerating the ramblings. I will post some of my pics soon so stay tuned.....